Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thank You Readers!

You know, I was going to write something deep this morning about "accountability" and my foray into "MyFitnessPal" (as you know I am a technological newbie and very hesitant to embrace this high-tech stuff). But I really want to take a moment and thank all of the wonderful people who are following my journey, my struggles through the Optifast program and now transition/maintenance. I am so flattered and encouraged by your comments and emails -- they underscore for me that I am not alone in this.

It's been very rough for me navigating these current transition "potholes," these bumps in the road. I'd love to have a nice, smooth walkway, but sometimes I feel like I'm out in the jungle with a machete. But knowing that I have people beside me helping me clear the brush is so comforting. Honestly, I really couldn't get through this transition period without you, my dietitian and all of the wonderful Optifast clinic staff, my family and the fabulous group of "OptiDivas and OptiDudes" gathered on the Optifast Chat Support page on Facebook. I just could not do all this hard work alone. I'd pack my weight back on in no time, and then I'd be right back where I started. An obese, unhappy, unhealthy person. And that person I never want to be again.

A special thanks goes out to my husband, who has patiently "put up with" my hours on the computer. I jest here, but he does understand that embracing this program fully has been such a big thing in my life right now, and I want to focus a good deal of energy on it. I did try to share some of my anxiety about the scale and numbers with him and he didn't understand it. But he is offering his support in whatever way he can. And I love him for that.

(Speaking of the scale, I did weigh in at the clinic yesterday and as I suspected, I gained a pound and now register 159 lbs. It didn't wreck my evening, but yes, I had a twinge of nervousness. My dietitian talked me through it, and actually told me that many will gain 3-4 lbs. off the bat when they go off the products. So in a way, I am doing quite well. I did tell her that "I cannot handle a 4 lb. weight gain" and she just shook her head and smiled. I know she'll help me through this. Small gains are inevitable, and I can shed them to get back to my healthy comfort zone. Folks, I've got some mental/emotional work to do here, but I'm getting there.)

I continue to make wonderful new friends at the clinic, male and female. We are in different stages right now -- some just starting, some half-way through, some like me, in transition, and others who have been maintaining for awhile. I have become much more outgoing, and I have had great conversations. The clinic staff love to see us engaging with one another and encourage it. I do so look forward to my Wednesday evenings when I go to my clinic. So I want to be sure to include my clinic friends in my "thank you" to everybody.

I will let you know that there are some people I know out there -- a few friends and others -- who are highly skeptical of Optifast and what I have done. Yes, it hurts, and I feel this need to "justify" it to them. But I've been thinking lately that it's not really worth the time to do so. They don't know what it's like to step on a scale at 239 lbs., frightened and ashamed, and now get on and weigh in at a healthy, normal weight. They don't know the wonderful, intelligent, caring staff at the clinic, and how much they have taught me about weight management and exercise. They have never had to dig really deep inside themselves and commit to something completely for 9 1/2 months. My husband always points this out. What I have done is truly incredible and shows a fortitude that few have.

So I'm not writing for them. I'm writing for you (and me, of course). Thanks one and all for cheering me on, helping me get through the tough times, reminding me that everything is going to be AOK and I am doing well. Have a wonderful day all. Make the most of it. I'm going to try to myself!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, you are an amazing woman! You set a goal, took a hard road to get there and you did it. Congratulations. I'm about to start down this path myself; I have 65 pounds to lose. When I get to the transition and maintenance phases, I expect my weight will start back up. To counteract that, I plan to fall back on the liquid meals to take those pounds back off. Being post-menopausal and physically limited in how strenuously I can exercise, I gain weight if I look at food too intently. I'll hold you in my mind as my heroine. Thanks for sharing your story.
