Sunday, January 20, 2013

Melissa Fights Back! Using The Four "D's"

I adore my Optifast dietitian, Millie. I am so, so blessed to have met her at the clinic, and to have the chance to receive her coaching and encouragement as I navigate these choppy waters of transition/maintenance. I emailed her yesterday morning about my troubles with portion control and my particular concern with "night grazing", and she got right back to me with short and long-term strategies to manage these issues. If you have a clinic dietitian that has provided you their email address, use it. These troubles crop up all the time, and we need all the help we can find to fight back! 

When it comes to the grazing issue, Millie reminded me of something she teaches us over and over again in class: The Four D's:

1. Delay
2. Do something else
3. Drink extreme-temperature calorie-free fluid
4. Deep 

(Let me also add that the Four Ds can and should be used to manage cravings as well.)

I need to keep firmly in my mind that night-time will always be a temptation time. As Millie says, not "may be" or not "sometimes is" but ALWAYS IS a temptation zone. Subsequently, I must have some things in place to manage that time span before I go to bed. What comes to mind right now (because it is winter-time and very cold outside) is the following: Work on my blog. Read other blogs. Check in with my Optifast Facebook friends. Research different issues on the web. (i.e. right now, I am very interested in finding foods, vitamins and minerals that facilitate hair growth and strengthening. My hair has thinned out considerably from the products.). 

Millie suggested buying a "guilty pleasure" book or magazine from my nearby bookstore -- I really like this idea because I have been so engrossed in weight management books and materials. I need a break!  I think a trip to the bookstore and library is on my list TODAY. There is also one of my favorite things to do: a long, hot bath with luxury bath salts or bubble bath and I can light aromatherapy candles to enhance the experience.

Millie is also a cook like me and knows the importance of good cookware. I need something I currently don't have: Good equipment to brew real tea. This includes investing in a good tea kettle to boil water, a good tea pot (Millie recommended a "Brown Betty" because of its exceptional heating capacity), a tea cozy, and a big mug. I want something whimsical. Time for some online shopping! Now comes the fun part: finding teas that, in Millie's words, "intrigue you." We have a specialty tea and coffee shop that is located close by. I am adding that to my "to do" list today. In fact, I am going to practice my deep breathing in the car on the way over there!

I absolutely adore what she wrote in summary. I just have to repeat it here (I hope she doesn't mind):

"Remember that your default mode has been established for 40 years. It does not fight like the British, in straight lines and an orderly manner. It fights with guerrilla tactics, with suicide bombers who will infiltrate other areas.  Expect repeat skirmishes, unexpected encounters, and learn to laugh at the Enemy. It gets furious and stomps away when it sees that it can no longer intimidate you with fear!!!!" Yes, I'm getting ready to fight. And with Millie by my side, we will win. Victory is ours!


  1. Re: one of the four "D"s -- "Do Something Else." You might want to find something to keep your hands busy, like doing cross stitching, crocheting or knitting -- anything like that. The idea is that you can't be busy with your hands being occupied like that, and eat at the same time. You could even listen to an audio book while your hands are busy. That would keep your mind occupied, too.

    You'll do well with your dietitian by your side!! For that matter, seek out everyone in your support system when you need help. There is strength in numbers!

  2. Thanks for posting those tips from your dietician. The evening is the toughest part of the day for me, too. If only there were a magic solution!

  3. Great advice. Making note of the 4 D's
