Friday, January 11, 2013

Managing the Anxiety/Craving/Binge Cycle

(Courtesy of

Anxiety and depression can lead to binge eating episodes. According to Dr. Katherine Halmi, director of the eating disorders treatment program at New York Presbyterian Hospital, people who eat to deal with their anxiety find that it calms them temporarily. Triggers for the anxiety that leads to binge-eating episodes include breakups, stress at work or an argument with a friend. Learning more effective ways to deal with your anxiety is the key to preventing binge-eating episodes.

Step 1:
Keep a daily meal plan and a food journal. Write down what you need to eat and what you do eat. Record how you feel before and after eating. Include any triggers that led you to eat more or less than you should. Reading over your food journal can help you recognize and avoid the factors that lead to anxiety-induced binges.

Step 2:
Practice meditation and relaxation exercises, whether alone or in a group. Yoga classes and guided meditation practice teach you skills to calm yourself when you're alone, when the tendency to binge is often greatest.

Step 3:
Remove yourself from the situation. If you're having an anxiety attack and headed for the refrigerator, head for the door instead. Once you're outside, walk around the block, go for a drive or phone a friend until the anxiety passes.

Step 4:
Sip water or herbal tea as you focus on your breath. Bring yourself to the present moment. Focus on the feeling of the drink in your mouth, the taste and the smell. Sit with your anxiety and your beverage until the intense feelings pass. Remind yourself that nobody ever died from their emotions.

Step 5:
See a therapist. Look for one who specializes in anxiety disorders and eating disorders. Contact the National Eating Disorders Association at for help finding a qualified therapist in your area.

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