Thursday, January 17, 2013

What A Difference A Day Makes

Wow. Lots of feelings flooding me right now, all good. Maybe I'll just start rambling, although I normally like to be cogent and structured in what I say. But oh, do I feel better! I went to the clinic yesterday and forget about the 2 lb. weight loss and the fact I weighed in at 158 lbs. For the very first time, it was an afterthought, something that sure, was nice, but I received a far more rewarding "surprise": I had an absolutely fantastic one-hour meeting with my dietitian and she has drawn up a wonderful transitioning strategy for me. I am calling it my very own "Optifast Flex Plan" and it is designed with my anxiety issues in mind. I'm happy beyond belief. And can't wait to start.

Well, in a way, I have already started. Without going into all the details just yet, it is going to allow me to have days where I have 2-3 Optifast 800s and some "real food" meals, maybe a day of all food, or maybe when I am feeling extra-anxious, all Optifast products. As you know, I am someone for the most part who has been very rigid with the program, staying compliant and following all the instructions given by the clinic, and to see my Flex Plan in print -- well, that gives me a certain comfort level and security that I am not just out here on my own, doing things without a structure in place.

The plan also has very specific menus I follow for my meals -- items to eat, combinations off different foods for my meal, and amounts of each item. Yes, exchange charts are always given out and in this day and age, there are Internet resources to calculate and list everything you eat, but using those charts and the Internet is just not me. I am not comfortable with that. I need things simplified and easy to read. I want things on paper. I need options I can prepare and use repetitively if I want. And that's what I have.

We've also gone a step further. My meal plan includes specific foods that target anxiety/depression. So that base, along with my on-going talk therapy, is covered. How wonderful is that? And I have a big "shopping list" of foods to keep stocked in my pantry and fridge, and in some cases certain brands are listed. For someone who's "staples" used to consist of butter, sugar, flour, bacon, pancake mix, fatty nuts, heavy cream, high-fat cheeses, every kind of pasta known to man, etc. etc. etc., I now have a whole new slate of things to stock in my new kitchen of creativity. To get me started, I even have a few recipes for some small "free" treats to make in the evening if I need something sweet and get worried I might be headed for a binge. In sum, I'm absolutely thrilled.

Interestingly, I woke up early this morning with the biggest smile on my face. I'm still smiling right now, actually. I look fabulous! I feel energized! I see a positive future for myself, and I have many, many things to be thankful for. I am blessed. Blessed with a loving family, two beautiful Basset Hounds, many friends, a great clinic, a wonderful therapist, a good job, a roof over my head, and just a host of "little things" that really mean a lot. The sun is rising right now. A new day is beginning. Off I go to see what unfolds!  

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