Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So You're Considering Optifast

Hello New Year's Day. I'm going to wager a guess that many people woke up today with one thing on their mind: I need to lose weight. It's that time of year when weight rears its ugly head, and we make up our minds that this will be the year that we do something about it. Nowhere is this a more popular resolution than in the United States, where obesity is a terrible epidemic.

My state, Ohio, has a huge problem with this. I know obesity quite well, and the host of things that go along with it. Bad health. Embarrassment. Shame. In my case, my obesity was the result of a thyroid disease and medication I must take, but that is only part of the picture. I ate. And I ate and ate and ate, and never exercised, never moved from my chair, actually, whether at work or at home. I'll be frank: I was lazy. There, I said it.

Perhaps you have reached the point I did in March 2012, when I couldn't take it anymore. I've called this my "rock bottom" when I finally declared, Enough is enough. I needed help. I couldn't do it on my own. I wanted a weight loss program, with a dietitian and doctor, something structured and simple, that would help me find my way out of the pit I had dug. I talked with family members, did some research, and I found a solution for me: the Optifast Weight Loss Program. In Columbus, Ohio, it is offered by the Central Ohio Nutritional Center, Inc. (CONCI), which has four clinics in our area. Not only do they sell the Optifast products, they offer weekly dietitian support and doctor evaluations, informational classes, and provide educational materials. Blood tests and weigh-ins are done. Progress photos are taken. No, it isn't cheap, but one thing's for sure: follow the program, health permitting, all the way through and it works.

I'll say off the bat that Optifast isn't for everyone. It can be very hard on your system, in some cases, and if you're like me, with a thyroid disorder and terrible metabolism, it takes the patience of Job to make it all the way through. It's highly restrictive and complete compliance takes a lot of strength. There can be side effects. But I can say without a doubt that I do not regret my decision to be enrolled in this program. It has changed my life.

Looking back on the 9 1/2 months I have been enrolled in the program, I guess the biggest piece of advice I can offer you is think over your decision to enroll in the Optifast program carefully. Most are probably like I was when I started: I wanted the weight off now, as quickly and as painlessly as possible. I jumped right in and signed up right away. Optifast had an incredible allure for me because the literature said the "typical" patient can expect to lose 50 lbs. in 18-24 weeks. Enticing "before" and "after" pictures clearly showed the product works. Which it does. But I learned pretty quickly the program certainly isn't easy. Alas, weight loss never is. The clinic scale -- oh that scale -- was sometimes my friend, but sometimes the enemy. I'd have times when I was so sick of the products I didn't think I could take another sip. And when I watched people dropping out of my clinic, it truly made me wonder if I was nuts.

I have also since learned that there are some pretty hefty odds stacked up against Optifast participants -- odds that we will gain all of our weight (and then some) back in five years or less. I don't bring this up to deter you from enrolling in the program; on the contrary, I do so because for-warned is for-armed. Losing your weight with the products is only half of the equation. The easier half. We have to keep the weight off. And that is where the true strength is needed. That's what CONCI offers -- the strategies for a successful weight maintenance program. This is where I need the most help. Because folks, I like to eat. And I'm thinking you do too.

Enrolling in the Optifast program is a big step, but one I'm glad I took. Things had gotten so out of whack for me that I didn't know how to eat healthy anymore. As I've said, I really, really like this program because "real" food is completely removed, and replaced by nutritious products consumed on a set schedule. It really is easy to follow -- and I needed that. Concurrently, I began to get educated on what I should be eating to be healthy and happy. The educational information is truly a life-saver. I say that with all seriousness. I have myself a "package deal" here. And it's worth every penny.

If you have an Optifast clinic near you, give them a call and attended the initial free consultation. Ask tough questions. How much success do people have keeping the weight off? What do you do to help me succeed? Do people leave the program? Can you tell me why? Don't be afraid -- this is a huge financial investment in yourself and you want to make sure you are making the right choices. If you decide you want to proceed, welcome to the Optifast journey! It has highs and lows, but I promise -- stick with it and it works.

I invite you to join an Optifast support group I found on Facebook. It is called Optifast Chat Support, and we have wonderful people from all over the world there, helping one another through their programs. I also encourage you to start journaling -- either writing or blogging. I've found it is so very helpful for me. I've had some truly crazy days, and it helps to just get things "out" sometimes. Think about it. You'll probably really like it!

So welcome 2013, and if you're going to start the Optifast program, here's to your success! One foot in front of the other, you can do it. I'm here to help by sharing my experiences along the way. It's been quite a journey, one that isn't over by a long shot. But I'm glad I'm on the road. I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. I also heartily recommend the program to others, with the same caveats you mentioned. I did see something in your blog that needs correction, however. You said that Optifast claims that the typical patient will lose 50 pounds in 18-24 months. Individual results vary, of course, but according to their website, their claim is that the typical patient will lose the weight in 18-24 weeks (not months). How's that for enticement?! I know that's one of the things that sold me on the program when I signed up! The other clincher for me was that there was no thinking involved. I wouldn't need to count calories or points; I would just have the required meal replacements each day. It's simple and easy!!!

    You are so right in saying that losing the weight by strict adherence to the program is absolutely essential to get good results. Also, as you said, losing weight on the program is the easy part. I can't stress this enough. Maintaining your weight is much, much more difficult. Patient education is a must! You need to know how to read and interpret a nutrition label and how to use that information to make good decisions on what to eat and how to prepare it. You also need to take a good, hard look at all of your behaviors surrounding food. For instance, how do you deal with stress without resorting to food for comfort? How do you handle eating during the holidays? What do you do about eating out? What about hunger and cravings? All of these things need to be addressed before you jump into maintenance. Luckily, while you are on the program (and even beyond meeting your goal), the dietitians at CONCI offer all of the patient education you need, whether it be one on one or in small group settings.

    I saw a great quote I'd like to share:

    Losing weight is hard.
    Maintaining weight is hard.
    Staying overweight is hard.
    Choose your hard.

    (For more information on the Optifast program, people can go to http://www.optifast.com/Pages/program/faq.aspx and see their page of Frequently Asked Questions.)

    1. Thanks so much Laura! I put in "months" instead of "weeks"! So glad you caught that and said something to me!!! I made the correction ASAP -- that's a critical point. I do NOT want people to think it takes 1 1/2 years to lose 50 lbs!
