Thursday, June 28, 2012

Why, thank you Officer!

My mother and I often joke that at our funerals, all of these people will show up that nobody knows. These are the wonderful folks we know from our errands around town: those working at the grocery, drycleaners, pharmacy, post office, hair salon etc. One of my dearest friends is a Columbus police officer who works various off-duty shifts at my local grocery store. I go there every day to buy ingredients for my husband's dinner and I have known him for years. And yes, he was one of the first to know that I had started Optifast.

Well, I saw him today and he made a point of telling me how noticeable the weight loss was and that he was proud of me. (He also mentioned my baggy clothes -- apparently the dietitian is not the only one who sees this!) I was so touched by his comments. What a wonderful thing to hear. Particularly now, for as you know, I have been struggling with patience as it pertains to my slow loss rate. I thanked him profusely but also reminded him that I'm not done yet. He smiled.

This has me thinking about other uplifting comments I have received about my declining weight. My husband praises me every day -- tonight he mentioned how good my legs are looking. Ooh la la! Although I have not seen them for awhile, my brother and mother receive a weekly update of my progress and support me all the way. I will finally see them on Saturday and I can't wait for them to get a look at me. A thirty pound loss is significant -- I'm sure they will notice!

Interestingly, no one at work has said anything, but there are only five of us and it's a very quiet group. Only one person knows I am on Optifast and she's not sure about it. But that's okay. I suspect everyone can see that I'm shedding weight and to be polite, they don't want to mention it because that might indicate I was too heavy in the first place! So I'll just keep losing and mums the word. Funny how some situations play themselves out.

Tonight I am beaming a bit and actually allowing myself to be pleased with myself. Progress is being made. It's noticeable. And that's a wonderful thing!    

1 comment:

  1. So great to have the support of people close to you! I, too, had a period of time when people at work didn't say anything and then all of a sudden ... bam ... everyone was saying something to me. I think sometimes it is hard because they don't want to come off as being rude in terms of noticing our bodies in a judgemental way.
