Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Back To Acceptance

I had a 2 pound loss today, which finally nudged me past the thirty pound loss marker. It has taken 14 weeks to hit this, but I'm now under 210 lbs. I'm almost to my half-way point --200 lbs.--and then it's 40 lbs. to go to reach 160. I've been slow-going the whole way with starts and stops, but I'm hanging in there. One day at a time.

As you can expect, I groused a little bit to the nutritionist about what I keep perceiving to be minimal losses. And yet again, she reminded me that I am right on target with where I should be. She also let me know that my losses are well within the average range so I need to stop worrying. I must sound like a broken record. I really don't know why I am resisting my metabolic realities and forgetting to congratulate myself for any loss at all while on Optifast products. I am putting undue pressure on myself and this really needs to stop. Right now.

Clearly, it's time yet again to focus on how to embrace acceptance. My friend Kathy posted the Serenity Prayer recently and I need to do a repeat here:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can.
And the wisdom to know the difference.

I have this body. It is responding to the Optifast plan at its own pace. Pound losses are occurring. I have lost substantial inches all over. My bad cholesterol has plummeted. This is something to celebrate.

I can up my exercise regimen. More exercise stimulates metabolism. And I can build an exercise routine for life. I can do it.

There is peace of mind that comes with acceptance. To stop fighting and start embracing is such an easier, softer way to live. I'm really going to work hard on this throughout the months that follow. It's really, really difficult for me -- but awareness of the problem is half the battle. 


  1. Dearest Melissa,

    I know how hard to is to find acceptance of where we are right in the present moment - much easier said than done. I think you are doing terrific. I'm glad we're guided by the medical staff at the clinics to help us with perspective. Even though I've lost a lot of weight fast, I suffer from the same type of issue ... why am I not losing 10 pounds every week? Isn't that how they do it on the Biggest Loser? Am I failing somehow? The truth is that we are each on our paths at the pace we are on for a reason. The most important thing is that we are on that path in the first place, experiencing miracles along the way. Hang in there!

    1. Thank you so much friend. I keep forgetting my wise brother's advice that I look at this as a marathon, not a sprint. There's that funny saying: "Lord, give me patience. And I mean right now!" I'm chuckling as I think about it. I'm walking my path and I'll get to goal in due course. I know it!
