Monday, June 11, 2012

Change In Plans

Today I am not feeling so hot. Some adjustments were made to my program last week -- I now have three Optifast 70 shakes and two Optifast 800 products a day -- and my body is having a difficult transition right now. I am very tired, my tummy is rumbling, and I feel "blue." I did not anticipate this, and it reminds me of what I went through when I first started on the Optifast products three months ago.

I asked for the change in my plan because I have been concerned about the amount of money I am spending on the program and how long it is taking to lose my 80 lbs. The monetary concerns are quite valid and important. Optifast is not cheap -- I will be outlaying thousands of dollars. I know this is a good investment in "me" but I worry sometimes. I cannot keep spending forever, although I would feel better about the money if I were posting big losses each week. We will see this Wednesday if the new reduction in calories is having an impact. I'm nervous but curious too. I'd like to think this uncomfortable transition period is worth it.  

I know from my initial transition onto the Optifast products that I must take it easy for awhile. Drink my water. Take hot baths. Get enough sleep. I am hoping my energy will return in due course. I loved the way I was feeling and want to get back to that. Of course I will be notifying the clinic on Wednesday about my situation. I am afraid they will put me back on the higher calorie plan, but if that is required, so be it. There is also my lab work to study -- that will yield some interesting information.

So for all those struggling with low weight loss numbers, please know you are not alone. We all respond differently to the products. I'm hanging in there because I know Optifast works. I may be struggling right now but that will pass. I always try to remain optimistic -- it's a good thing to be.


  1. Hang in there Melissa. It was an adjustment when you first started the program, so this change may be an adjustment, too. I do know what you mean about the cost, though ... I am planning my trips this summer and was working on my budget. For two months, it will cost $1,000 to be on Optifast. That's a lot of money for "food" for two months. My health is worth it, though, it's just that it is more money than I normally spend on food during the summer but I am seeing results so it will be okay.

  2. I wish it was easier for you! I'm thinking about you, and hoping things get better....

  3. Thank you all. I am better today -- got a good night's sleep and plugging along. Time for some exercise soon. I know that will help with my mood and weight loss.
