Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Questioning The Program

I think we all, at one time or another, have that moment where we ask ourselves, "Am I nuts to be doing this?!" It's happened to me a couple of times. I'll start thinking about the Optifast costs, or drinking the same things day in and day out, or how I no longer go to restaurants. Why in the heck did I agree to commit to the Optifast program in the first place?

As you know, I haven't been feeling well because we altered my program, and during this time I have been "ruminating" over my decision-making process. I think this is totally normal and to be expected. When one is run down whilst starting the Optifast products or like I am now, it's a no-brainer that you are going to question the efficacy of the program. What is sustaining me right now is I know from experience that this phase will pass. I need to get through it as best I can and things will smooth out in time. No, I don't like being tired and light-headed and I could do without the hunger pangs. But I'm a trooper.

For me and you, I want to list my top reasons for doing the Optifast program. They are not in any particular order:

Physical health: I was having severe difficulty walking. My "bad" cholesterol was through the roof. My thyroid doctor strongly encouraged me to lose weight.

Self Esteem: I hated looking at myself in the mirror. I felt unattractive and unlovable. I wanted --needed-- this to change.

Loss Rate: Optifast can produce significant weight loss in a shorter period of time, when compared with other programs (i.e. Weight Watchers).

Program Structure: The Optifast program is doctor-supervised and you consult with a dietitian. Extensive educational handouts are given and a long-term maintenance program exists.

I note these things as a reminder that I am doing the program for lots of reasons. No one reason dominates the list. It's a package deal. Many things are to be gained by reaching my goal weight. I just need to push through this difficult time. I need to nurture myself and not be afraid to ask others for support. And questioning is to be expected -- we are human after all.


  1. You DEFINITELY are a trooper! Sure, this is a huge challenge, but here you are, rising to the challenge. The honesty you display is so inspiring to me and I thank you for that. It helps me to continue to be honest about my own journey.

  2. Thank you angel. I am finding if I get extra sleep, I feel stronger. Still a little too weak for exercise -- though I am going to do a "gentle" 30-minute walk today with a fellow Optifaster before our weigh-in at the clinic. One foot in front of the other...I'll reach my goal. In due course.
