Sunday, July 8, 2012

Some (Stern) Words About Taking The Products

I get very, very nervous when I hear about folks on Optifast not taking all of their products each day. For me, that spells nothing but trouble. Our calories have been cut back drastically as it is, and to limit them even further can make someone very sick. No physician would support such a thing. Certainly not those at our clinics. If they knew about it, they'd probably refuse to sell you the products anymore. That's how serious this is.

The most popular reason I've heard for not taking the required daily product amount is the individual was too busy. Also, people have mentioned they forgot to bring it along when they are out. Here's what I suggest: Make your Optifast products your top priority for the day. Something you must do, something that takes precedence over everything else. If necessary, plan your day around your Optifast meals. Whatever it takes.

If your health suffers, everything suffers. This is not something to play around with. We are talking about our bodies and having them function correctly. In some of the research I have found on liquid diets, there is mention of cases (not involving Optifast) where people died. I take this very seriously. And so should you.

Here's something else to consider: By not taking all of your products daily, you are opening yourself up to horrible cravings and possibly, an uncontrollable binge. Why place yourself in such a situation? It's a rotten place to be and it can all be avoided if you follow the clinic's instructions and take what is prescribed. You've come far in your journey. Don't derail the train with something you could ultimately control.

I know our program is rigid. It's repetitive. It gets boring. Sometimes I wonder when will it ever end. But something keeps me going. Sure, there's the goal weight, but more is going on here. I feel good. My health has never been better. I am starting to really like the way I am looking. People are noticing. I don't want to throw in the towel. So I keep plugging away with my 2.2 lb. average weekly loss. Following instructions as I go. For me, there's no other way.

I hope you'll be able to take what I say to heart. Importantly, I say it with love and compassion and genuine concern for the well-being of all the other Optifasters out there. Take your products as prescribed. Your body will thank you, your clinic will thank you, and so will I.  


  1. As I was reading your post, I thought to myself, "AMEN sister!!!" I worry in the same way because I want other people to feel the wonderful things you and I are feeling. To be honest, I look forward to my shakes. I make them taste yummy and I know it is aiding me in a fantastic weight loss, in addition to feeling wonderful all around. Sure, I miss food, but I also know in both my heart and head that the food is not going away, it will be there for me when I am ready. I am not questioning any part of this program because, well, it's working. When it's time for adding food back in, I feel like I will be more prepared.

    1. I forgot to add that I think some folks get a bad weigh-in and think they will compensate for it by reducing their shakes...I did this once and only once (for two days) and I got very sick. All the positive things I was experiencing vanished. Following instructions to the letter is the only way to go, in my opinion. This can be hard, I know all too well. But experts designed this program for us and they know what they are doing. I truly get saddened when I hear that people can't seem to get the products in.
