Sunday, July 8, 2012

Inevitable? Boredom With The Routine

Well, I encountered something new yesterday. I found myself bored with our Optifast products. This was new. How did this happen? No, I wasn't craving anything per say. I just made my morning shake and as I was swallowing it I thought, "You know, I really am just going through the motions. And I'm bored with it."

Maybe it's a wonder I haven't felt this way until now. Maybe this was ultimately meant to happen. I mean, I do have the exact same thing every day. Four shakes and a soup. It never changes, and I have been doing this for months. Isn't the boredom inevitable? Of course. I guess I'm lucky it's held off as long as it has.

Now, what's got me a little nervous today is this: If the boredom continues, will it usher in a cheat? Oh no, not that! I have worked so hard not to do this, as my weight loss is so slow and I don't want to do anything that will hinder it even more. And cheating invites the guilt and remorse. I do not want to have to deal with that. I've got enough worrying on my plate. Something needs to be done. But what?

Perhaps some new types of shakes and different soup flavorings need to be invented. I only drink vanilla shakes because they can be flavored in many different ways. I use extracts -- banana, walnut, maple, butter, almond, orange, and rum. Banana or maple for breakfast; almond at lunch; orange in the afternoon; and butter rum at dinner. In my soups, I use Indian spices, horseradish powder, jalapeno powder, cayenne, and dill. I need to go to the gourmet market today. I will buy some new spices. I can also go to the grocery and get some of that Torani sugar-free syrup. Yes, that might make a difference. Change is good.

Hmm. I also have been trapped indoors for days. There's a heatwave sweeping across the Midwest and temperatures topped 100 degrees the past few days. I'm restless. Come to think of it, I'm bored in general. Is this the real crux of the problem? I don't have anything to do? Yes, that may be related to this. I need to get out!

Yes, I will go marketing today. And I'm going to walk the dogs. We won't go far -- the 14-year old is so slow -- but a walk will do us all good. Into action! I like that.  

1 comment:

  1. Melissa - I haven't run into this too much yet, but I do try to have a few different flavors of diet soda and recently tried the Crystal Light "on the go" packets (10cal/pack and pretty intense flavor --use half a pack or mix it in a large water bottle). Even though it's artificial, I think I enjoy the ability to have fruit-like flavor while on optifast-- I like the peach mango tea and wild strawberry flavors best :) Some of your spice additions sound delicious -- may have to give them a shot in the broth my program allows!
