Friday, July 6, 2012

If The Ring Fits

Several years back, when I was at a somewhat reasonable weight, I decided I wanted a special ring for my right hand. I had seen advertisements in magazines saying that a woman should "treat herself" to something special like a right-hand ring, and that appealed to me. Although I rarely wear jewelry (save my engagement ring and wedding band), something about this type of ring really piqued my interest.

First, I went to my (frugal) husband, and asked if he would buy one for me for Christmas. He showed no enthusiasm at all. Okay, I'm on my own with this one, I knew, so I hopped in the car and headed up to the jewelry store where we purchased our wedding rings. I certainly wasn't dressed for the occasion -- my hair was in a ponytail, my jeans were baggy, my sweater covered in Basset dog hair (like all my clothes!). No wonder the salesman looked at me oddly when I waltzed into the store!

However, when he punched my name in the computer and found we had been very good customers before, everything changed in a heartbeat. "How can we help you, Melissa?" he purred. I wanted to roll my eyes. "I am here for a ring. A right-hand ring." He knew exactly what I was talking about. I was ushered into a seat facing a glass case and he sat opposite of me. And then out the rings came for my inspection. Oh. My. God.

They were beautiful. I prefer white gold, and immediately my eye caught a gorgeous ring featuring small interwoven bands studded with tiny diamonds. That's it. I knew it. I'm no good at showing a poker-face, so the salesman knew it instantly too. "Try it on," he said. Gingerly I slipped it on my finger. I'm in love.

I looked at the price tag. Gulp. It was under $900, but not by much. I immediately felt guilty. I had the money but should I spend this much? What would my husband say? Was it too extravagant? Showy? Did I deserve it? I want it! Before I know it, I'm saying, "I'll take it!" And that was that. After re-sizing, the ring was gracing my hand the very next day.

Fast forward to last summer. My hands had swelled up so much my beautiful, treasured ring no longer fit, cutting into my finger if I tried to wear it. I was crushed. I had to put it away in a cabinet, sadly hoping one day I could wear it again. And there it sat. Until today.

I awoke this morning and noticed my wedding rings were really loose, sliding around on my finger. Immediately I thought of my other ring, stored so long ago. Is this finally the day? Will it fit after all this time? Eagerly, I went to cabinet and picked it up. Here goes...I slid it down my finger. Over my knuckle and down. And of course you know what happened: it fit. My beloved, special right-hand ring fit perfectly. I was giddy with excitement. Oh, thank you, thank you Optifast! I'm a happy woman today.

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