Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's A Miracle!

Dear readers, something wonderful has happened. It was completely unexpected by both myself and the clinic. A drum roll please. My weekly weigh-in registered a 7.7 lb. loss. Now down to 194 lbs., I have blown past my halfway point. I have 34 lbs. left to lose to hit my goal. When I stepped on that scale, I could hardly believe my eyes. I'm under 200 lbs. Finally. And gosh darn it, it's time to celebrate!

There is so much I want to say right now, but my thoughts are a little jumbled. Let me start by letting all those who have a slow loss rate, like me, know that miracles do exist in the Optifast program. I'm now living proof of it. We can be surprised by a truly significant loss week. In hindsight, I should have known this would happen because my brother told me it happened to him. I guess I just wouldn't let myself believe I could experience something like this too. Remind me to call him tonight!

Suddenly some of my past frustration has melted away -- and even though I may feel this way for just the next few days, I am so happy to be in this state. This really means something to me on a personal level. I feel like I have truly accomplished something. I also know how patient I have been over all these weeks, and that has now paid off. To be treated by this loss is something I will definitely savor.

Some might wonder if I did anything different this past week to stimulate such a loss. The only thing different is I now add 1/8 tsp. sea salt to my daily soup, due to my low sodium level. I can't see how that would affect my weight (and the doctor didn't mention anything about it). Instead, I am thinking my body just chose to let some extra weight go, all on its own. Whatever the reason, almost 8 lbs. is gone. Good riddance to you!

I am going to treat myself to some extra Jello tonight. At 20 calories a cup, I think I'll be okay with two cups!  Next, I am rewarding myself with a 90-minute massage. I've earned it! Oh, I feel so good right now. As always, thanks to all my Optifast Facebook friends for your support. I couldn't do this without you!  


  1. I am so jealous that your little car in your weight loss ticker starts with a "1" now! Seriously though, I am just thrilled for you Melissa. You are right, you have been absolutely patient. I admire you for that because there were times when I was frustrated for you when I knew you were working hard yet the rate of loss was slower than you were hoping for. Yay you ;-)

  2. Thank you ladies! I am grinning ear to ear...but sigh, we'll be back to the slow-going soon enough. But that's okay. As long as you're here beside me I can get through anything! Hugs.
