Monday, June 17, 2013

The Camper Isn't Happy

Hello Dear Readers and apologies for my absence these past days. Yes, I was away with my husband for the weekend on our camping/hiking trip but more importantly, I have not been well at all. All I can say is my thyroid medication was upped after a boderline/low T-3 and T-4 thyroid level blood test came back earlier this month. Ever since I have been taking my new pill, my weight has been creeping up (remember how I couldn't budge off of 159 lbs.?) and I started getting a racing heart last week. Now I am exhausted with no appetite. I am making myself eat. I had my blood drawn today and we will know the results tomorrow. All I can do now is wait.

Of course this is the time where you start getting on the Internet, and Googling all of these different articles that talk about what must be wrong with you; what caused all this; what you need to do; etc. etc. I've learned from experience that in my case, I just need to relax and put things in my doctor's hands -- he's one of the best thyroid specialists in my city. Without the blood work results, there is nothing to do, except rest and eat a balanced diet, whether I am hungry or not. I took today off from work, I'll talk to my thyroid doctor tomorrow about the test results, and I am seeing Millie on Wednesday for a special session. I'm going to just take each day as it comes.

On the camping trip, I was able to rally for a very long, 5 hour hike -- I'm very proud of myself, because there were inclines and declines on the trail and this is a heck of a long distance for me. Only downside is my calves are killing me -- I'm hobbling around the house because it is painful to walk! I really need a vigorous massage and I am going to make an appointment this week. I'm a little nervous about the impact on my body all the hiking we do out in California next month will have. My muscles could be in much better shape, so I need to step up my game and get the weight lifting in high gear. I've got roughly a month to do this. It can be accomplished -- I've done it before -- but it takes commitment and work. And I'm not feeling well. But I'm going to try.

So that's the upshot of where I am now. Not a "happy camper." But tomorrow is a new day. Let's hope it's a better one for me.

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