Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Let's Rant About Fast Food Again!

I had a difficult time last night with some intestinal issues. Won't go into all the details, but I woke up this morning feeling weak so I took another day off from work. I'm tired and feel dehydrated, so I'm going to tend to those problems. My mind, however, is still sharp, and I saw this hilarious picture on my Facebook news feed this morning and of course you know what this now means: Time for another rant about fast food!

I want to be very clear: I do like fast food. My preference is a large-size McDonald's Extra Value Meal #1, which is a Big Mac, large fries, and a large Diet Coke. Before my full fast began, the night before, I went to the neighborhood Wendy's and got a double cheeseburger with everything on it. No fries or drink, just the cheeseburger. I ate all of it in the six blocks it took to drive back to my house.

I wouldn't mind hitting a Chipotle (owned by McDonald's) and getting a 1,000 calorie burrito stuffed with just about everything, including guacamole and sour cream. I don't care for Taco Bell, but I'd hit a Kentucky Fried Chicken if there were only one near us. There isn't. I am a sucker for the Burger King croissant breakfast sandwiches. In short, I've pretty much had it all.

What really gets my anger going is in my opinion, everything has become so high-stress, so uber-busy in America today that often, these joints are the only option for people who just don't have time to tend to themselves anymore. More often than not, you need two breadwinners in the house to make ends meet -- and if you are a single parent, God help you -- so who can feasibly cook for themselves anymore?  These fast food products are scientifically engineered to be served up quick and taste good. They are cheap. They fit right in with the "American Way." Shove them in, and move on to the next thing on the list.

The pace of this country is not slowing down. Look at all of these technological advancements -- each year, it grows leaps and bounds. And isn't it interesting that each year, the U.S. obesity epidemic grows right along with it. They say the wealthier a country is, the fatter its people become. Fact is, our wealth is driven by long hours and stressful days for most. We've got more latchkey kids than ever. Personal time is becoming a luxury. How long can this continue?

Lots of concerning things are happening, and I by no means place all of the blame on the fast food industry. They are simply here because they fill a needed niche -- they make the system run more smoothly. It keeps going. McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, KFC -- they are not going anywhere. I know that. Indeed, they are filling niches all over the world. The formula works worldwide.

What I did, when I hit my early 40s, was -- much like my Optifast program -- I slammed the brakes on and said, "I can't do this anymore." I took a part-time job, a massive pay cut, and started doing something for me. Granted, it was cooking, and I got way overboard on that, but I took the monetary hit in exchange for more personal time. I can't buy things many other people can, every penny must be watched, vacations are fewer and shorter. But the pay off was time. And that's priceless, in my book.

I call fast food "evil" because I believe it just perpetuates the insanity of our culture. But this label comes from someone who has the time to make good choices and steer far, far away from it. Honestly, I want to dole out some of my time to family and friends who just don't have it anymore. I can beg and plead with people to stay out of those fast food places, but I know this is often in vain. Now, when I see the cars snaking around the drive through lanes, my heart just breaks. I understand it all too well.

What is the solution? Honestly, in the big picture, I don't know. I can only share with you what I did. I no longer set foot in any fast food restaurant. Even though they offer "lower calorie" alternatives, I don't care. I cut the cord, so to speak, after that Wendy's double cheeseburger. Just as I was resolute in my commitment to the full fast, I remain steadfast in my decision to avoid any fast food restaurant at any cost. I cook for myself. Even in rarer situations where I am pressed for time. This is my way now. This is one of my "lifestyle changes."

But this not to say I don't struggle sometimes when I see the "Golden Arches." I think about that Big Mac. But not as often. The reins are on, pretty darn tight right now. As always, fingers crossed that continues. Maybe, just maybe, someone will see this post today and resist the oh-so-strong temptation to pull into a fast food joint this evening. I'd be so thrilled. I hope my "rant" helped someone today. Stay strong. Make good choices. And get some precious "me" time if you can.

1 comment:

  1. I spent ALL DAY yesterday prepping meals to put in the crock pot for my family so that I could reduce the fast food pit stops over the next month or so. I'm sure we'll still go at least once a week but, sadly, that is better than our usual average. Getting ready to write a blog post about my day in the kitchen....
