Sunday, April 7, 2013

Binge Recovery, Part II

I wanted to share the strategy Millie, my nutritionist at the Optifast clinic, gave me when I emailed her in a panic post-binge. I was feeling horrible physically, and I wanted to know how to get some relief. Here are the steps she suggested (which are definitely working well):

1.        Calm the stomach; ease the headache.  Take an analgesic, like Tylenol Extra Strength max dose.  Afterward, make some hot herbal tea with a calming agent, such as ginger or cinnamon.  Drink two 10-12 oz. mugs over the next hour, then one 2-3 hours later.

(Note: I had ginger tea. I purchased it at a specialty grocery, Fresh Market.)

2.       Engage the stretch receptors in your large intestine to stimulate satiation, which will halt overeating patterns.  Eat ½-1 cup of high fiber cereal (e.g. Fiber One) in some form over the next 1.5 hours:  1-2 snack bags (recipes in "iDiet" book), or a bowl of cereal with ¼ cup fruit and ½ cup low-fat milk.

(Note: I had the Fiber One, strawberries, and skim milk.)

3.       The hot tea and cereal will help move objectionable foods out of your system more quickly, probably by the end of the day.  Over the next 6-8 hours before bed, including the tea, try to drink 48-60 ounces of fluid.  Never drink more than 32 oz./hour.  Don’t go overboard on the fluids----that’s an over-correction that could make you feel worse.

(Note: I did not know about the water restriction. My knee-jerk reaction is to just start guzzling away. This is very good to know.)

4.       Resume absolutely “normal” dinner patterns tonight:  Do NOT cut back to “make up” for anything eaten earlier.  Such a strategy can result in an over-correction the other way.

(Note: I binged Friday, and immediately started back with my eating routine the next day. I was not hungry, but I made myself stick to the schedule anyway.)

5.       Tonight for dinner, try to have at least one cup of cruciferous veggies in one form or another:  broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, kale, etc.  Cooked, in a salad, or both are ok. The sulfur in these veggies will help your liver process preservatives and additives out of your system faster.

(Note: I had broccoli and cauliflower. Both.)

6.       If you’re feeling up to it, go for a stroll (NOT a power walk) tonight to dissipate tension and to activate peristalsis (movement of your intestines---helps clear things out).

(Note: I didn't walk yesterday, but we walked today.)

I am definitely feeling better today. I am continuing with the ginger tea, water (with a lemon wedge), fiber-rich foods, and I just had a Fiber One/ non fat yogurt/strawberries "concoction." After a few days away from the scale, I did just weigh (around 4:00 p.m.) and the result was 162 lbs. I haven't seen a number that high since I returned from the New York trip mid-February. I'm trying not to panic, instead telling myself that I can get this off in due course. Everything is going to be okay. I'm back on track.

I don't know if I will have an "official" weigh-in at the clinic on Wednesday. That could be stressful for me, and I may just go to see my friends and attend the class. I will keep weighing daily at home, to monitor things. I guess I'll just wait and see how I feel when Wednesday rolls around in a couple of days. For now, I'm stabilized, and the weight isn't getting me down too much.

Well, I'm starting to get tired, so I guess it's time to trundle upstairs to bed. Crisis over -- for now.

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