Monday, April 8, 2013

Binge Recovery, Part III

It's early Monday morning, start of a new week and a return back to my normal eating schedule. I'm relieved, frankly, because I want that binge relegated forever to the past. History. I am embracing my philosophy of staying in "today" -- the "precious present" -- and my plan of following my diet; recording my calories, etc.; extending my walking time; and continuing Spring cleaning. I am not going out into the future and worry about my weigh-in on Wednesday. Today I am in recovery mode, and I will follow the guidance I have from the clinic.

I did have a chance yesterday to do some shopping. I had a wonderful time, purchasing some cute tops and some lighter-weight slacks for work. I began putting away my winter clothes and found I have absolutely nothing for Spring that fits. Actually, I don't have much of anything because it was all donated to the Salvation Army. When I went to the check out and they rung up my purchases, I found that my commitment to keeping my weight off grew. As you may recall, I am very, very frugal now (thanks to my husband) and the idea of wasting money on clothes that won't fit in a month leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

I weighed in at 162 lbs. at 5:30 a.m. this morning. I've been a little "blocked up" and I've had a lot of fluid, so I'm assuming that explains some of this. But regardless, we have set a "yellow flag" weight for me of 161 lbs., which means I am in the "caution" range. If I go up to 164 lbs., that is the "red flag" number. So I'm concerned, yes. I re-set my numbers in MyFitnessPal, and it has lowered my suggested caloric intake. I don't think I can hit that -- it's just too low -- so this means one thing, and one thing only: Melissa, it's time to get serious about exercise.

Fortunately, the weather is soaring into the low 70s this week, which means ideal conditions for walking. I can fit into my husband's sweat shorts (thank God) and I found some t-shirts. I live in a beautiful, historic neighborhood and there is a big park right in the middle of it. I am going to leave the dogs at home and walk around the perimeter of the park a few times, then go into the park and wind my way around there. I have my great New Balance running/walking shoes, so it's really comfortable walking.

Emotionally, I'm feeling pretty solid. Work is running much more smoothly. My anxiety is in check. Nicer weather improves my mood considerably, and I feel more energetic. As long as I get good rest, I stay in pretty good shape. My elderly Basset, Nell, continues to wake me up around 4:00 a.m. But what I am doing is trying to get to sleep by 9:00 p.m.; waking up to let her out; writing; having my oatmeal breakfast; then going back to sleep for a little bit before work. It's working out okay.

So forward I go. If you've recently had a binge/"cheat"/slip, relegate it to the past, like I am. Today is a new day, full of possibilities. Begin getting your ducks back in order. We can do this -- I know we can. Have a great day everyone. Live it to the fullest.

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