Sunday, March 10, 2013

Unpacking Your Emotional Suitcase

Warning: I'm "feisty" this morning because I've been cooped up all weekend, and the dogs got me up early AGAIN, so I'm now wired on coffee and cranky about my cold. Yes, it's moving through me and it should be gone for good soon, but my whole weekend has been ruined by it. And that makes me mad!

I got a little bit frustrated with the Facebook Optifast Chat Support board last night. Oh, it happens sometimes, and it's inevitable when you are dealing with electronic communication versus face-to-face. In fact, some things people say could be flat out lies, for all I know. I'm completely honest, but that doesn't mean everyone else is. When you "hide" behind a computer screen, you can be whoever you want and say whatever you want. That's clearly an option. And some take advantage of it. As far as why they do it, I'm too tired to figure that out right now. Besides, I have other things I want to discuss.

I want everyone to know that yes, my obesity was tied to medical issues (Graves Disease -- thyroid malfunction) and medications I must take, but that was only part of the equation. I ate -- and I ate and I ate and I ate. And I never exercised. I have to "own" this, because if I don't, I might as well have taken a match to all the cash I spent on Optifast. It would give me the same result. The weight loss is Gone in Sixty Seconds. Up in smoke.

There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever in my mind that if you do not accept you are an over-eater and then devote a good deal of time learning why you overeat, you are going to struggle with obesity for a long, long time. In my opinion, you need to go deep, pushing way beyond "I love food" and into the scary, perhaps very painful place of emotions. I think about it as an "emotional suitcase" I have been carrying around, and I'm getting tired, so I need to lay it on the bed, unzip it, and lighten the load. But I've been carrying it so long that I don't know what's in there. Something smelling like rotten food, for all I know. I'm scared. But it has to be done.

And this is where a good therapist steps into the picture. I don't have to unpack my suitcase alone. I'm so tired I don't think I can unpack it alone.  My clinic provides a list of excellent psychologists in the area that specialize in eating disorders. Personally, I think they should go a step farther and bring a psychologist on staff. Their success rate would probably double. If you are obese and not seeing a psychologist, I urge you to do so. As soon as possible. The strategic value of this investment is immeasurable. Put your fears aside, make the appointment, and go.

The Optifast products and the weight loss they bring about are not the sole solution to your obesity. Far, far from it. Much more work is required. At least in my case. Now, you could be different. There may not be an emotional relationship between food and yourself. But I'm guessing for a vast majority of obese individuals, something deep and painful is going on inside. And it's time to work through that, and let it go.

Remember baby steps -- this doesn't happen overnight. Take it slow, moving at a speed you find comfortable. I hope you'll follow this advice to see a therapist. It may be some of the best I have given to date.

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