Monday, March 11, 2013

My Shining Knight

Well I decided not to go to work today. I fell back asleep, and woke up distraught and I called my husband in tears, worried that I would become an anorexic. He came right home at lunch, bringing me Progresso Lentil soup and some whole grain wheat bread and a big bag of grapes. He made me a big grilled cheese sandwich and we split the soup. My husband rarely prepares food -- that's my area -- but he did a great job and it was wonderful to be the one doing the eating versus the cooking. Nice change of pace.

I have decided I am not using MyFitnessPal today, I am going to put the scale in the closet, so it is out of sight (my mother's suggestion), and refrain from weighing myself until two days from now when I go to the clinic. I am going to eat as healthy as I can, but up my portion sizes until my body heals from this cold. End of story. My mother has also gently suggested I ease back a bit from the computer -- I am getting very highly strung and wound so tight about maintenance and she wants me to try and relax. However, I've been so attached to it for so long that it's hard to step away. I've been conversing about Optifast and weight and eating and emotions for almost a year now. So I may not follow that particular piece of advice.

I know I will get better soon. This current illness will be a blip on the radar screen. I just need rest, proper nutrition, lots of liquids, and lots of hugs from my husband. And that I have. Baby steps. Baby steps.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you are not feeling well Melissa. Thank goodness for your sweet hubby. Take it easy, take care of yourself, and soon you'll be good a new :)
    ~ Kim
