Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Joy Of Fitting Into Smaller Clothes

You've heard me talk about my belief that if you look at things in the "big picture" view -- i.e. doing Optifast for your health and well-being versus trying to look good in skinny jeans -- you stand a better chance of keeping the weight off in the long term. We face long odds against this, and we will need to rely on inner strength to stay at our goal weight. But I don't want to leave you with the impression that I'm not thrilled as can be with the way I am now looking in clothes. On the contrary, I am excited and very, very pleased!

Take today for example. It is cooling down in Columbus and the wind whipped up this afternoon. I realized I needed to go inside and find a jacket -- which required some rummaging in the closet to find my stored fall clothes. Suddenly I spied a beautiful black leather coat I bought years ago and never got rid of because I liked it too much. Cautiously I slipped it on...and it fit perfectly! I strutted around like a peacock, so proud of myself. I grabbed my Basset Hound's leash and took a long walk with him in the neighborhood, sporting my dark sunglasses and chic coat. I felt like a million bucks! It was wonderful.

Yes, stumbling upon these long-forgotten "treasures" is a great thing. Dropping down in sizes is absolutely uplifting. I will say that I am a little tired of shopping -- never thought I would say that! -- so I'm trying to hold off a little bit longer. I do, however, look like a disheveled mess a lot of the time and that's not a good thing. So I think I'll go back to Walmart for a few cheap things to hold me until my big shop at some better stores when I reach goal. I go the Walmart route versus thrift stores because you can find very reasonably priced things that are new. I like that a little bit better, though I have shopped thrift in the past. Either way, whatever you purchase is not going to fit for too long. Get pants with belts. That's a necessity!

So I am feeling quite happy this evening. Tomorrow is my weigh-in and I have absolutely no idea if I will have a loss, lose nothing, or have a gain. But I'm at peace with it. As long as I stay on the full fast and follow clinic instructions, I'll be fine. And yes, I'll be wearing the leather coat to the clinic. But of course, I'll be sure to take it off before I step on the scale! Don't want to affect my weigh-in number (wink wink).

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