Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Picture This!

Well, wouldn't you know I did have a chance to have my photo taken today! Went to the clinic for my weigh-in and was thrilled to see a 4.5 lb. loss. I have now shed 52 lbs., and at this juncture a second photo is taken and new measurements are calculated. So I am throwing caution to the wind and posting this new picture for you to see.

I must say I am actually pleased with it! My shorts are very baggy, so I'm smaller on the bottom than it appears. That's a genuine smile on my face. I've reached a milestone and I couldn't be happier. Took me 5 1/2 months to get here, but what the heck. I've arrived! Several friends congratulated me -- they've been with me on my long journey and know it's been bumpy and slow-going. But I've hung in there and as I always say: If I can do this you can too!

After we took my picture, the measurements were done. The results were so eye-opening. Here they are:

START:            TODAY:
Neck: 15"           Neck: 12.5"
Chest: 45"           Chest: 40"
Waist: 44"           Waist: 36"
Hips: 53"             Hips: 44.5"
Right Thigh: 30"   Thigh: 25.5"
Wrist: 6.5"           Wrist: 6"

It's days like today that make my whole roller coaster journey worthwhile. In addition to my measurements, I have dropped from a size 22 to a size 14W. And I'm still going down. To those just starting the program, or considering doing the program, you will see results like these too! Stick with it and take it one day at a time. It's so worth it. My plan has been so simple: follow what the clinic tells me. And it's worked. Thanks to my family and all my Optifast friends across the globe for your love and support. Wouldn't have made it this far without you!



  1. You look wonderful! Just look at how many inches you've lost so far! You're doing a marvelous job. Keep up the great work! :)

  2. You look amazing Melissa!!! And you are absolutely swimming in those shorts! Congrats on the 52 big ones and all those inches you've lost. It may not be easy, but that smile on your face sure is worth it :) -Tessa
