Friday, August 31, 2012

Surviving The First Week

For many, the first week they are on Optifast is the hardest. Not only is your body thrown into temporary turmoil from solid food withdrawal, but you might also start strongly doubting your decision to do the program in the first place. I know in my case, my big test came on Day 2. I was hit with such severe hunger pains that night, and the only thing that got me through was sugar-free Jello obtained from an emergency late-night run to the 24-hour grocery store. I gobbled it up in a snap. The first week was rough. Period.

Some have asked how did I make it through? Well, I think the big reason was I had enough of being overweight and suffering with back pain and embarrassment over the way I looked. I was tired of not fitting correctly into the seats at the hockey arena, having to constantly purchase clothes in bigger sizes, tired of dealing with high cholesterol and becoming winded whenever I walked up a simple flight of stairs. I was, simply put, tired of being tired.

I also came to the realization that although I loved rich food, it was only a short-lived period of enjoyment -- that had long-term consequences. There is just no way you can eat the way I was eating and not end up obese. Yes, my thyroid medication added to the problem because it automatically added extra pounds. Plus I have the terrible metabolism. But I was eating loads of butter, salt, sugar and fat. Every night. This madness had to stop. My health was going downhill. And I decided I was going to suffer through whatever unpleasantness thrown my way to break the cycle.

I had to dig deep, but I found my commitment to the products and the program grew as each day passed. Every morning when I woke up, I would say to myself, "Today I am just going to have my products. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but today I will be compliant." I kept thinking about this over and over as I struggled to get into ketosis and the blessed relief it brings from the hunger pains and desire to eat "real" food. Before I knew it, I was there and safely on my way.

To get through that tough first week and succeed on this program -- and by that I mean not just losing the weight but keeping it off -- I believe you must look at things in the "big picture" perspective. By this I mean choosing to do Optifast not to just look good in a pair of jeans. Rather, committing yourself to the program because you want to improve your health. And keep it that way. Embracing this philosophy can carry you through the entire fasting process. And beyond.

You can and will get through the initial week. And you'll be so glad when you do! You really start feeling great. Give it time and don't give up. The program really does get easier. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time. Optifast works. I'm living proof of it!

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