Monday, May 21, 2012

Inch By Inch

Last week I woke up one day, got dressed for work, and my pants felt really loose. It was as if I shrunk over night. Sure, I've lost 20 lbs., but it hadn't been really affecting my overall size -- yet. So I was surprised, but was running late. I had no time to find a belt, and just dashed out the door with a long sweater. Which was a good thing, in hindsight.

Mid-way through the morning, my pants started slipping down my hips. I'm sure my underwear was showing in the back. Thank God for the sweater! How did this happen? I was completely shocked. In a pleasant way, believe me! Here a week later, they are even looser. I get weighed in two days and I can pretty much guarantee that I have not lost more than 3 lbs. So what's going on then with the Incredible Shrinking Body?

I think it's time for me to ask the clinic to take my measurements again. They do this before you begin the program. We haven't done an update and it may be time. I believe my frustration with the slower weight loss may be lessened if I am showing inches shed. What a morale booster!

This could be yet another example of why we shouldn't be so obsessed with that number on the scale. Doing Optifast makes you feel better in general, as your body de-toxes. People can safely wean off of high blood pressure, cholesterol and other medications. And one loses inches that are measured separately. You get more energy. In short, we get our lives back!

Yes, I will be weighed and measured (in that order) this week. I'm excited to see the results!

1 comment:

  1. Shoulda read your post before I posted on my blog tonight. It was pretty much the same idea, that focusing on the scale is not the only way to tell that we've lost weight. Inches count, too! I think we are both discovering this very important component as we are going through this journey.
