Saturday, May 4, 2013

Wonderful, Warm Weekend

A "Good Evening" to everyone! I normally don't write at night, but it's been a busy, sunny Saturday working in the garden and walking around the neighborhood. Then my husband and I had a delightful, healthy meal on the patio of a Middle Eastern restaurant and went to the movie theater afterwards. All in all in was a fabulous day!

My 70 lb. 3 year-old Basset, Legs, would love to be sleeping on my lap right now (he thinks he's a lap dog), but alas he has been relegated to a couch. Sweet 14 1/2 year-old Basset Nell is slumbering on her giraffe doggie bed. Hubby is engrossed in a hockey game on the television, so I'm free to write away.

I am pleased to report I am in a very good space vis a vis my eating/weight. I have not had any grazing and my meals have been healthy and tasty. I'm allowing myself some bigger portions for weekend dinners, but making wise choices. Subsequently, my weight is holding steady at around 157 lbs., which is where I am very, very comfortable. No big swings like I have had in weekends past. I am also continuing to read my books from the library on emotional eating. I'm planning on going back to the library some evening next week to continue browsing the stacks. Now, at some point, I'll get back to reading some fiction -- steamy romance perhaps? (wink, wink) -- but for now I'm just exploring what's out there regarding weight/food issues.

Tomorrow will bring more garden work and baking another round of the "iDiet" German Rolls. They are packed with fiber and I love them. I have one every day. I replied to an iDiet Facebook post that I was looking for some more iDiet rolls/breads recipes and mixed grain salad recipes. I purchased a small amount of some different grain salads made at a local store, Whole Foods, and they tasted like cardboard. I'm looking for something more palatable!

If there is time leftover, I need to begin packing away my winter clothes. I did a brief inventory last weekend of my summer clothes, and folks, there was pretty much nothing there for me to wear. I gave all of it away to the Salvation Army at the end of last summer, by which time I had dropped 2-3 sizes. Subsequently, this current state of affairs necessitated a run to Target last week, where I purchased ten shirts and two light sweaters. But I still need shorts, skirts, dresses, my summer shoes are too big, I need new bras, and so on and so on. Keep this in mind whilst you are on product and dropping pounds/inches. The clothes shopping never ceases!

All in all, I'm in a "happy place" right now, which is wonderful. I feel like I can handle anything thrown my way. And I'm proud of myself to boot. Hope you are having a good weekend as well. So with that, I bid you an electronic "Sleep tight!"

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