Saturday, May 18, 2013

Keep On Keepin' On!

It's been a busy week for me -- heck, busy month -- and that explains my sporadic posts. I think I will have time to write every day, then something comes up and the next thing I know, it's time for bed. But I'm happy to report I'm doing just fine and my weight is under control. Which makes me feel wonderful.

There's really is no "secret" as to what I'm doing right now to maintain. It's simply just staying focused on making sure my "three legged stool" the clinic talks about is sturdy at all times. For those that haven't seen my posts about this, the maintenance "three legged stool" refers to the calorie counting/portion control leg; the exercise leg; and the emotional behavior leg. If I tend to all three each day, my weight stays pretty darn steady -- in fact, I just naturally swing between 156 lbs. - 160 lbs., actually spending the most time at the lower spectrum of this. (These are my morning weigh-in numbers, done at home.)

The calorie counting is easy for me for the most part, because I still eat very similar things for my breakfast, lunch and two snacks. Things get a little more challenging to calculate when it comes to dinner (because I am making my dishes myself, with some eyeballing), and I get frustrated, but I've eased up on this frantic need to get everything calculated perfectly. I know what to emphasize for dinner: Fish, chicken, and an occasional hamburger patty; and a mixed grain salad incorporating legumes (for fiber) and chopped veggies. So I'm doing quite well.

If I stick to this eating routine, I have found I am still able to go out for a "nice" dinner (you know how much I love good restaurants!) once a week, and even, if I want, have a brunchy type meal on Sundays. I don't have to give these things up, which I'm so, so happy about because they really do mean quite a lot to me.

I am thrilled with my daily "streaking" walks. I started at 1 mile, and I am already up to 1 3/4 miles at a fast clip. I am getting close to exceeding 2 miles every day. This lifts my spirits so much, because as you know, I really struggled with consistent, daily, uninterrupted exercise -- exercise that I really wanted to do -- the whole way through my Optifast fasting phase. I streak outside, around the park perimeter, and I actually don't use an iPod because I like to look at my surroundings and listen to the birds and the park fountains, and focus on all the beautiful flowers. I just don't think indoor treadmills and exercise bikes are for me. I need to be outside, at least right now.

I absolutely must give a huge "Thank you!" to our clinic Director, Kathy, who has kept me focused on the importance of exercise, and how physical exercise, although initially daunting to me, can actually be fun! She cheers me (and all the others) on every time we see her. And Kathy runs the monthly maintenance class, and does an excellent job. I really look forward to it. The class is a highlight in my month.

And on addressing the emotional issues that often accompany overeating, I continue to do my readings on bingeing behavior and emotional eating. Plus I am on my second go-around with the clinic classes, which include sessions focused on how to handle your emotional issues by not turning to food. I am finding that the books I have read so far tend to say that folks with bingeing problems should not go on a diet at all, as "restrictive" diets just lend themselves to eventual overeating. But I'm not sure if I agree with that if you need to turn to Optifast because you are obese/morbidly obese. If you do your reading on emotional eating while you are fasting; attend all of the classes the clinic offers; and get a good talk therapist, you can (in my opinion) complete the Optifast program and bring overeating under control. For good. So I approach my books cautiously, and don't take them as the "final word" on the issue. I encourage you to do the same.

So that's the update on me to date! Today brings weeding, streaking, dog-walking, and relaxing. Have a wonderful day everyone. Keep On Keepin' On!

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