Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Compliment

My husband and I gathered with my family yesterday afternoon for a cook-out and to watch an exciting football game (our team won!). Before the game started, my brother motioned me to join him outside for a minute. We stood in the cool Fall air and he told me, "Melissa you look good. No, you look really good!" And I smiled, but inside felt a little nervous. "Can you notice a difference since I first started?" I asked. He didn't hesitate for a moment. "Are you serious? Yes! Yes! You look unbelievable!"

Although my two siblings live in the Columbus area, we don't see each other on a regular basis. Busy schedules, they are raising children, we live in different suburbs, it all contributes to not being able to gather often. So some time has passed since I last saw my brother. Perhaps that's why his compliment meant so much to me. But maybe there was more going on -- after all, he has done Optifast and he knows how much effort goes into it. In a way, he is a comrade in arms. So for me, he was acknowledging more than just the way I looked. He was praising me for a job well done.

Actually, I was quite proud of myself yesterday during the party. There was fattening food everywhere. I brought some of it myself! I provided the bratwurst and jumbo cream puffs, because the specialty shop that sells them is right down the street. Everybody wanted it. And I didn't touch it. Not a morsel crossed my lips. There were other heavenly things around as well. But I felt no urge to indulge. I have come far in my journey, but there's still work to be done. Now and for a lifetime.

But oh, I did enjoy my own little meal! We did not have a meal out yesterday, so I had a delightful piece of salmon seasoned and cooked right on the grill; a spinach salad with crunchy red peppers and green beans, green onions, and a 25-calorie tablespoon of honey-dijon yogurt dressing; and assorted roasted vegetables (eggplant, onions, mushrooms, zucchini, red pepper and yellow pepper). It was fabulous. Importantly, I made sure to eat slowly, savoring every bite, and trying to chew each bite as much as I could. I actually couldn't eat everything on my plate, so I left it. All new behaviors for me!

Today I am back to my routine and happy as a clam. It's really getting chilly and I can't wait for my soup with the Indian spice. I had to go to the grocery to get some items for my husband's Sunday dinner and I dug out a warm, black, belted coat from years back when I was smaller. Like the leather jacket, it fit perfectly. I checked myself out in the mirror (something I'm starting to do now) and really liked what I saw. Yes, maybe my brother is right. I look good!

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