Saturday, October 13, 2012

Staying In The "Now"

Stumbled across this picture on the Internet today and it really made me smile. This is my new philosophy these days: Staying in the "Now" -- the precious present -- because jumping into the future can cause anxiety, and dwelling on the past opens the door sometimes to depression and regret.

My therapist and I have spent a considerable amount of time going over this concept, as when I arrived in his office I was struggling mightily with issues of anxiety and a very low self-esteem. I was also obese at 239 lbs., and that certainly didn't help matters at all. I have worked very hard to embrace this philosophy and I must tell you I am experiencing an inner peace I have not had in decades -- if not ever in my life.

Look at me now: Today I am out of the "obese" range and into the "overweight" range. I weigh 178 lbs., with only 18 lbs. left to lose to hit goal. I have a spring in my step, I am wearing beautiful clothes that fit properly, my skin is glowing, my husband says I look 10 years younger. I feel absolutely fantastic -- and have no regrets whatsoever for doing the Optifast program. In fact, Optifast saved me from a terrible path I was going down, taught me discipline and to respect what I put into my body, got me on a normal routine of eating breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. I love this program, and recommend it highly to anyone seriously concerned about losing weight.

I also am looking outside right now and it's a beautiful, crisp morning in Columbus. I can't wait to get outside and go for a walk with the dogs. I have energy now and the desire to move -- that had left me, but today it thrives inside of me. I feel so blessed. I am also thinking about all of the new Optifast friends I have made in the clinic and through Facebook. They have enriched my life incredibly. I am not alone as I go through this journey. And that's a truly wonderful thing.

I encourage you to start living in the Now. It's such a peaceful, freeing place to be. Ditch the anxiety and regrets. We don't need that. Treasure today and experience as much of it as you can. That's what I do. And I've never been happier!

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