Friday, October 12, 2012

On Weighing Every Day

As you probably know by now, I hate scales. Although I have become a little more comfortable with them since I started my weekly weigh-ins at the clinic, I still consider them to be "dangerous" for one simple reason: they invite weight obsession. For some. Yes, there are many people who can utilize a scale for practical reasons. But I am not one of those people. And subsequently, I approach the scale with great caution.

My clinic strongly encourages us to weigh ourselves only once a week, on the clinic scale, at roughly the same time. Weighing at home, every day, is discouraged only because it can usher in disappointment and frustration. Now, certainly not everyone adheres to this advice. Some want a daily tracking of their fluctuations to see if progress is unfolding. They do not want to wait a week for results. They may also trust their own scale over the clinic scale, which often may register differently than your home scale. And perhaps most importantly, for some it is highly motivating to see the number on the scale go down day by day -- that signifies progress and gives one hope and optimism.

Yet it is very likely that while you are on product, the numbers will shift day to day. One day you may show a 2 lb. loss; on another day a 1 lb. gain. Many factors come into play, namely water retention, menstrual cycle, and for some just certain weeks where nothing happens. One friend said her weight loss is sometimes affected by the lunar cycle! So many things can cause fluctuations. And for me, if I were seeing this on a daily basis, it would drive me nuts.

So I have chosen to let go of a need to see my weight number every day. That works for me. I have also made a decision not to have a scale in my home -- I will go to the clinic for my weigh-ins during maintenance. My guide for potential weight gain will be my clothes. I find that to be more comfortable for me. I guess in sum, the choice is yours on weighing when and where. We are all different. Just watch out for obsession -- it can be potentially concerning.

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