Friday, February 8, 2013

On Hair Loss

I don't think I've posted in depth about the possible hair loss you could have as a result of the products. I now know of two cases where this was quite extreme, and as you know that can be most upsetting. As I've noted, Optifast can have many side effects, and hair loss is one of them. It's something you should be prepared for and here's my experience:

In my case, I didn't really notice anything until 4-5 months into the program. This fits with what our dietitians tell us: if you are going to have problems, it typically crops up at this time. What I noticed was when I brushed my hair after my shower in the morning, the brush was filling up with lots of strands. Now, I have thick hair, so I didn't think much about it. But when I went to the salon in October (around seventh month on product) to have my hair highlighted and cut, and washed my hair the next day, I really noticed that a substantial amount of hair was now gone.

I have no bald spots -- in severe cases, they will typically appear on the crown of the head -- but my hair is really thinned out. Strangely, I didn't ask the dietitian about what to do about it until a few weeks ago. Not sure why I never mentioned it to her before. I guess I was wrapped up in the Christmas season mess and transition anxiety and it didn't cross my mind. Regardless, she suggested taking no more than 2,000 mg/day of Biotin. It is available in the vitamin section in your grocery store or Target, Walmart, etc. I started in with 1000 mg/day and wouldn't you know -- I am already seeing new hairs growing back!

I also purchased Nioxin shampoo for thinning hair and I am using that as well. And I take a Magnesium vitamin every day for anxiety, and that can possibly stimulate hair growth. Elana from the Facebook Optifast Chat Support page posted the following information that I found very helpful:

"Hair loss occurs when the diet is inadequate in the B vitamins - especially B6, biotin, inositol and folic acid; and the minerals magnesium, sulfur and zinc. The B vitamins, especially B5 (pantothenic acid and B3 (niacin), are especially important for hair growth. Certain essential amino acids are found to control the thinning and thickening of hair in laboratory animals. For example, when rats were fed a diet deficient in magnesium, they lost their hair in bunches. The situation was even more serious with some other B-vitamins. When rats were fed a diet low in biotin or inositol, they became hairless! This nutrient-deficient condition was found to be reversible. When the rats were fed a diet that was rich in B vitamins, it resulted in the complete restoration of hair. 

Heavy intake of vitamin supplements, in some cases, have resulted in stimulating hair growth. Men deficient in vitamin B6 often lose their hair. When they are deficient in folic acid, some men became completely bald! As in case of animals, when normal intake of theses vitamins were restored, the hair also returned in most instances."

So in sum, I would advise starting in on Biotin and a multi-vitamin including the B vitamins early on in your program. Just to be safe. You might also want to add magnesium. Of course, this is just a suggestion, and the best course of action is to ask the clinic what they suggest.


  1. I've had the saaaaaaaaame problem. My hairstylist, also my inspiration for starting OptiFast, also had hair loss, so right away she told me to start the biotin and I took a pre-natal vitamin as well. I've unofficially transitioned, even thought I still have 30 pounds to go, and it's still falling out. I make sure I comb my hair before taking a shower; I use a thick shampoo that is very concentrated and is water actived, and then i make sure I condition only the ends; and finish with a leave in spray and a comb. No more big heavy brushes. My stylist has been on maintenance for almost a year and she is still managing hair loss.

    1. Yikes! Tell her about my next post, where I list some examples of foods we should be eating to target the problem. I think that taking the Biotin, using the shampoo and eating the B-vitamin foods will help. But of course, only time will tell!

  2. Because of this post, I went out and bought some Biotin last night! Thanks for the tip Melissa! My hair will thank you :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Agreed 100%.
    Its fantastic to read something on weight loss solutions. A good way to maintain weight reduction is to stop eating a few hours before bed. Eating more vegetables and fruits can be a nutritious, healthy means to drop weight. You have provided the most informative and helpful ways about Weight loss. Thanks For sharing such a nice plan on Optifast diet

  5. I am a 33 year old woman and am currently on week 24 of the 26 week Optifast program. I have lost 70lbs in 5.5 months and would definitely do the program again. I do however wish that I had taken some precautionary measures regarding hair loss ahead of time. I had an insanely thick head of hair going into the program and have always had my hair cut and thinned on a monthly basis to thin out my hair so I took "hairloss" as a grain of sand and paid it no mind whatsoever. I truly did not notice that I was losing a tremendous amount of hair, having short spiky hair and daily showers it truly must have just washed away down the drain without my knowledge. It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago when I went to the hairdresser and she commented that my hair was "extremely thin" and that she "could almost see my scalp through it" that I truly was shocked/baffled into noticing that HOLY SMOKES tons of my hair is gone. I, up to that point, had truly not given it any thought at all, nor had I noticed that I hadn't needed my hair thinned out the couple of months prior to that and that my hair was continuing to get thinner and thinner. Despite being on maintenance and eating a very healthy, vitamin rich diet for the past two months, I still continue to lose a great deal of hair and am concerned as to when I can expect this to turn around. For those considering Optifast it's an excellent program that I would definitely do again, but regardless of how much hair you think you have, this is something to seriously consider taking precautionary measures around.

  6. I have been on the Optifast program since July and have lost 55 lbs. I had my hair cut today and my stylist told me my hair felt dry and was thinner. No one told me my hair could get thin. I already have baby fine hair. I have my weekly appointment Monday and planned to talk to the PA about taking supplements to help. Glad I found this blog.

  7. I picked up magnesium supplement and vitamin B complex. Hope it can help.

  8. I lost a lot of hair on the program and started taking a bone nutrient with a multivitamin to include a dosage of biotin and magnesium. It worked!!!! I'm going back on the program, easiest diet ever!

  9. Diet plays a very important role in providing you the good growth of hair. With healthy diet you will not only get the good growth but also a good texture.

  10. I have been taking optifast for the past 5months and have lost 9.5kg. About 5 weeks ago I noticed my hair was falling out more than usual.I have very thick hair and am a hairdresser so it's very well looked after.
    It was everywere. When I had a shower I would pick up clumps from the shower floor. It's been extremely bad over the past two weeks and has gone thin. I think I've lost half my hair.
    I never even thought it could be optifast but when a looked at the side effects it can only be that.
    I've decided to stop taking it as I am worried I'll go bald.
    Thank you all for sharing about biotin and magnesium. I will get straight onto it.

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