Saturday, April 28, 2012

Nights In, Not Out

And so, some ruminations about one of the downsides of Optifasting.

I miss restaurants. I may love to cook and eat my own creations, but this Chef needs a meal out at least once a week. Not only is it a welcome respite from my labor, a sojourn to an eatery gives me the chance to see what other chefs are creating in their kitchens. And in Columbus there are hundreds of restaurants to visit.

I look for atmosphere, creative ingredients and actually a short, uncomplicated menu. I want an appetizer, soup, main course and dessert. And I'm happy to leave with a full tummy. That's why I went out in the first place. I have been all over town and I've eaten a little bit of everything. And I'm always hungry for more.

Now, imagine putting the brakes on all this. Sure, I could go to a restaurant with one of my soup packets and ask for hot water, but personally I'm not comfortable with that. That's just me. I would also be insanely jealous of everyone at neighboring tables eating with gusto and the sight and smell of their dishes would drive me nuts. So I stay away, and fortunately I have a loving husband who is happy to oblige me. That's one less check he has to pay.

But this is not to say I don't long for a dinner out on the town. Who doesn't? Right now, we find ourselves staying home every night. I'm afraid to venture out for fear that I might "slip" and end up on a "cheat" (eating solid food whilst you are on Optifast). At this juncture, I don't trust myself, even though I have almost five weeks under my belt. Yummy, fattening food, it seems, is everywhere. So in a way, I am isolating myself at night. This may be a bad thing.

What I try to do is remember that I will be able to go out again. Just not at this time. Before I am ready, not only do I need to lose weight, I have to completely rethink my restaurant eating "experience." Endless courses? Nope. Order whatever I want? Nada. Cleaning my plate and rolling out of the place? Thing of the past. There are completely new lessons I must learn.

There are reasons for the need to implement strategies when dining out. First, the portions are huge. I am learning that portion control is one of the most important things I must practice when I wean back onto solid food. Eat half of what you are served and have the remainder boxed up. Sounds so straightforward, but for someone like me this is no easy task.

Look for simple salads, steamed vegetables and grilled fish. Avoid potatoes, opting for rice instead. Simple, eh? In a word: Boring! Now, if the chef has a good command of spices, I could still end up with a tasty meal. That's the critical thing. I will need to seek one out -- and that could initially be difficult. But it can be done.

Again, it comes down to adopting a new eating behavior. Can I follow through with this particular one? As long as I remain committed to my weight management journey, I'll pull through. One day at a time. One meal at a time.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on this Melissa. Today I was not thinking about certain foods necessarily, but missing the idea of chewing besides gum and ice! Looking someday to chewing on carrots, even spinach. When I go back to food, I pray that I appreciate my food but not so much that I eat more than I need to. It's amazing what things we take for granted in life.
