Sunday, April 22, 2012

Easy Does It

Some might think Optifast is crazy because it is a liquid diet, and you are not allowed to eat solid foods for the duration of time it takes to reach your "goal weight." In my case, I need to lose 80 lbs., so seeing, to date, I am roughly losing 10 lbs. a month, I will be on Optifast for 8 months. An eternity? Probably. But I don't look into the future. I just use the "take it one day at a time" approach. That keeps me sane and committed to my program.

Actually, if you have had experience with any 12-step program, that can put you ahead of the game. Phrases like "Easy Does It" and "One Day At A Time" can bring you some solace and serenity as you go through this restrictive program. Meditation is useful during the first few days you are having the drinks. The initial transition from solids to liquids can be difficult, and taking some time to relax on your bed or in the bath really helps.

One must be patient with the Optifast program, not expecting overnight results. This is a marathon, not a sprint. I learned this the hard way, initially getting so worked up over the weekly weigh-ins and getting crushed my second week when I saw I lost nothing. My weight loss has and will probably be slow. I have a thyroid disease. My metabolism is terrible and I have a large percentage of body fat. I must constantly remind myself that there is a little victory in a two pound loss.

My weight loss to date has been: Week One: 4.5 lbs. Week Two: 0 lbs. Week 3: 3 lbs. I urge everyone considering the Optifast program to remember that everyone is different when it comes to weight loss speed. I have read many blogs and Internet posts of people who lost 10-20 lbs. their first week, and had steady losses in the weeks following. Don't fall into comparisons, as I did. It can be very disheartening to do so and you may start to question your decision to continue Optifast. Keep with the program! It works. Guaranteed.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I am so tempted to compare myself to others and have a really hard time losing weight due to some metabolic issues. This has led me to just give up after a few weeks in the past, as I figure why bother to work so hard at a diet if nothing changes? I'm really hoping to keep to this one and with all the support from the FB page, other bloggers, and my group, the odds are in my favor! :)
