Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Repetitio Est Mater Studiorum

Repetition is the mother of learning.

Some might wonder if it gets boring having the same Optifast shakes and soup every day. I actually like it. Who would of thought? I start my day with a shake, follow up with one for lunch, and then have a third before my work-out. I have a soup for dinner (I do love the soups) and another shake, and end the evening with some sugar-free jello. I do not deviate from this schedule.

I find this routine easy to follow and tasty as well. As I mentioned before, I flavor my shakes and add spices to my soups. So the products taste good. I am also satiated after eating. I do not feel hungry throughout the day. In the bigger picture, this repetition of daily product intake offers something quite important: the time to think about the healthy eating habits I will put in place after I wean off of Optifast. Because I no longer have to spend time thinking about portion size and caloric intake (that is all done for me), I can now research "good" foods for me and low-calorie cooking methods. It's a win-win situation.

I must remember that I am overweight for a number of reasons. Eating my fattening cooking is a big one. I also ate large portions and ate very, very quickly. This is a behavior I am still working on, as right now I gulp down my shakes rapidly. I don't know yet why I do this. Am I worried someone will take my food away? I have been a fast eater for as long as I can remember, and both my brother and sister do the same thing. This is a bad habit that needs to be corrected.

I can study my habits and identify these behaviors now that I am in this stage of the Optifast program. I never expected this benefit when I first started this journey. This is definitely a plus for those seeking to take off weight and keep it off. That is one of the biggest challenges I will face. It's true when people say the full liquid diet, done repetitively day after day, is the easiest part of the plan. So I am going to cherish this time.

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