Tuesday, November 12, 2013

For The Couch Potatoes

You are probably aware of this simple truth: When it comes to weight management, the more you exercise, the more calories you can consume. Simply put: Work out more, get to eat more. Those in my boat who can't (or more honestly won't) exercise, and want to keep their weight off, are going to have to watch everything they eat like a hawk and keep calories consumed at a very low level. Sedentary behavior also flies in the face of the three-legged chair requirement for holding a healthy weight. Leg One: Calorie counting. Leg Two: Addressing emotional coping skills. Leg Three: Exercise (or "physical activity" if that sounds better to you).

I've not read one success story to date of someone who is keeping their weight off after Optifast without exercising regularly. In my case, I do manage to walk up to 2 miles a day. And yes, that is exercise. But I'm not out running, or working out at the gym, and I'll be honest folks, I'm pretty darn nervous about this. I am, however, absolutely convinced that the vast majority of people who have Optifasted and reached goal are struggling to exercise regularly. Heck, the majority of Americans don't get enough daily activity. But does this mean we just throw in the towel and suffer through an extremely restricted diet to maintain? Heck no.

The one thing I really have going for me is a husband going through a mid-life crisis who has jumped on board with me and eating the healthy, high-fiber/protein dinners. And he has also jacked up his physical exercise -- and not-so-subtly encourages me to join him. He brings up the importance of exercise to me every single day. Now, sometimes this really, really bothers me and I feel guilty. But other times, like last weekend, I pulled myself out of my chair, got my running/walking shoes on and went on a long walk with him. His "pestering with love" does pay off sometimes.

I also have Kathy, our clinic Director, who is an incredible motivator when it comes to exercising. Every time I see her at my weekly weigh-ins, I am reminded to exercise. We've had many, many private discussions and class discussions about this topic. So my weekly clinic visits are of course crucial to keeping me at least focused on the importance of exercise for weight management, and how to get motivated to do so.

Folks, the exercise leg on my stool has always been the weakest leg. The other two legs are firmly attached -- with nails and Super Glue. I go in stops and starts. One day I'm hell bent on exercising, the next day I just want to go to work, come home and cook, and relax with my laptop in the evening. This is tough. But you know me. I'm not giving up.

I want all those who really shun physical activity to know I'm right in that camp with you. But -- there is just no denying the fact that if we really want to be healthy, happy and free, we've just got to get off out butts and get moving. Period. I'm a "restrictive eater" as you know, and more times than not, I'm not too happy with this. And I want to dissuade you from going down my path.

There's about an inch of snow on the ground today, but my co-worker and I are going to strap our boots on and head out for our morning walk. The sun is out, and actually, I'm looking forward to walking today. Now as for tomorrow...who knows. But living by my credo, "Stay in the Precious Present," I'm not going to worry about what tomorrow is going to bring. Let's get moving. Have a great day all!

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