Monday, September 9, 2013

For Those Struggling

A dear Facebook friend posted this in our Optifast Chat Support group. I wanted to share it with those on product or in maintenance who might be struggling right now. Lord knows I had extremely challenging days when I was Optifasting, and my intermittent anxiety from maintenance has been tough to handle sometimes. But guess what? I made it to goal and I'm well on my way to getting this 8 lbs. of weight gain back off. I'm getting through.

Actually, things have been looking up for me lately. I'm letting go of the panic over the summer gain that was driving me to consider Optifasting again down to 150 lbs. (10 lbs. under my goal weight) for some "wiggle room" in case things crept up again. I realize that's just too low for me, I couldn't maintain it, I'd probably look sickly, and my anxiety would get worse. I'd also have to start spending a lot of money again and my husband would not be happy with that.

No, I'm going to continue following the guidelines of the iDiet, and work with Millie, to carve off the 8 lb. gain. I'm going to continue to work on limiting my portion size and to eat slowly (something I am still struggling with). I'm back to walking a little over a mile a day, and I know it's not much but it's something.

Yes, I've had some very, very rough days. And I've survived them all. I'm stronger than I give myself credit for, and I need to remember that. Constantly remind myself. If I stop to think about this, I've done a heck of a good job maintaining these past seven months -- nipping gains in the bud and immediately working to bring them back down. I'm not throwing up my hands and saying to hell with it. I'm committed to maintenance for life.

So tonight I will rest easy. I had a yummy fava bean salad and ground chicken patty for dinner, and my tummy is really full from my Fiber One "concoction" and I feel no urge to graze. What a relief. Yes, things are "pretty good." For now (wink, wink). Take care all.  

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